Friday, May 7, 2010

Hey! Look at the Sun!

Dull pale painted walls are our most common anxiety. Our question is how to turn these pale walls into an exuberant and elegant one.

My answer would always be the magic of mirrors.

One of my favorite is the Sunburst Mirror.

The origins of this classic form was trace during the middle ages down to a French design guru.

Monstrance is from the Latin word Monstrare “ to show”, is a liturgical object commonly used in the Roman Catholic church for centuries. A monstrance is a crystal container encrusted with gold or silver it is often where the communion wafer is displayed.

It was in the 17th Century that the crystal container was made with bursting rays of metal which imitates the sun. The bursting rays of suns are a visual representation of Christ as the light of the world.

When the church buildings were renovated and even sometimes destroyed, this gilded sunburst made their way to be in the homes of everyone.

Often the mirror plate was replaced with devotional images.

It was in 1940s in France that Gilbert Poillerat designed a simple forged iron sunburst mirror.     It was a creative move that mesmerized the design enthusiast and patrons. A religious symbol that turned dull walls to vibrants ones.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Farewell Lola ina.....

 Tears rolled down to my cheeks as I have heard that Lola Ina was gone. I would always remember our summer days when school is finally over she would pay her grandsons a visit in our neighborhood coming from Pangasinan down here in Pampanga.
My childhood friends were her grandsons and  I thought up to this time if I would call them just friends, because they are not just my friends but my family.
Lola Ina , she let me experience how it is to have a Lola. She used to cook one of our favorite snack "Champorado" using wheat.
I would definitely miss her sweet smile and hugs. How I admire her when she is pouring her heart in raising her hands in worshipping in church. We love you Lola Ina.